GIFTS 2024ロゴ
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Purpose of the Symposium

Akihiro Nakamura

Akihiro Nakamura

Member of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Chairperson, GIFTS Executive Committee
Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chuo University

Creating a Traffic Culture for a Safer Society

The Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety (GIFTS) was launched 10 years ago on the 40th anniversary of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), as a platform to strengthen discussions on the ideal traffic society and further disseminate these discussions internationally. This symposium will celebrate the milestone of the 10th session of GIFTS.

The theme of the first GIFTS was “Diverse, Regionally-Rooted Transport Cultures.” It is necessary to consider the culture rooted in each country and region to ensure a safe and secure transportation society. Considering this, we have strengthened our discussions at the previous nine GIFTS sessions by focusing on the keyword “transportation culture.” In doing so, we have refined our definition of traffic culture, explored road user behavior and the activities of people and organizations involved in road safety, and strengthened our discussions for joint efforts by countries worldwide, to reduce traffic accidents. This 10th GIFTS is positioned as the culmination of these discussions and a commencement of further discussions on the actions required to enhance wellbeing through mobility in the future.

This year's GIFTS will feature two discussions. The first half of the panel discussion will discuss the type of research, road safety measures, and policies required in regions worldwide for a safe and secure mobility society, based on country fact survey data. The second half of the workshop will discuss issues and solutions for social implementation in the international community; this will link the discussions based on scientific findings, conducted in the first half of the workshop, to concrete policy development in countries worldwide. Moreover, through these discussions, we would like to gather insights for IATSS's future prospects.

As aforementioned, the GIFTS discussions will be the culmination of the past 10 years and the commencement of discussions for the next 10 years. It is expected that the GIFTS platform will evolve to consider the actions required to be taken in the field of mobility in building a sustainable society, and that it will become a forum for international communication targeting the next decade.


Kazuhiko Takeuchi

Kazuhiko Takeuchi

President of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Project Professor, The University of Tokyo

The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) was established in 1974. Over the past 50 years, we have focused on research and surveys in transportation and transportation safety. Our aim has always been to contribute to a society with ideal traffic and safety conditions and performance. The past half-century has seen significant changes in global transportation. Alongside efforts to reduce traffic-related fatalities and injuries, there have been numerous responses to other technological and engineering innovations in sustainable society, human wellbeing, and information and communications technology (ICT). These advancements have necessitated new and innovative approaches to address a host of related issues and problems, often in intricately overlapping and intertwined domains. Our investigations have also aimed at clarifying the role of transportation and traffic in each country and region on the basis of their unique characteristics as well as the diversity of people and cultures. The IATSS has emphasized a transdisciplinary approach in the development of its activities, involving numerous and various specialists and other stakeholders in areas that not only include traffic and safety but other key issues such as those noted above.

As part of our preparations for IATSS’s 50th anniversary, the 1st Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety (GIFTS) was held in 2015. The year 2024 marks the all-important 10th Forum, a milestone we could not have achieved without your strong support for and participation in GIFTS. We express our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and your continuous efforts in making GIFTS a success.

For our tenth GIFTS, we have chosen the theme “Creating a Traffic Culture for a Safer Society.” Our discussions will focus on understanding regional differences in traffic culture along with discussions on policy proposals directed toward meeting the unique needs of each region. We will also debate concrete measures and methods for implementing these policies in society, delving deeply in these issues through interactions between experts both within and outside IATSS. IATSS announced its vision for the next 10 years during the 50th anniversary ceremony on September 17. We hope today’s discussion will serve as a kickoff to realizing this vision. We ask for your eager and proactive participation in this year’s special GIFTS.

General Information

Event Name Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety (GIFTS)
Dates 2024. 12. 7 (Sat.) 9:30 – 17:10 (JST)
Venue Tokyo Convention Hall
TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN 5F, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8340, Japan
Organizer International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS)
Style Hybrid Meeting (On Site & Remote)
Japanese / English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Registration Until 2024. 11. 30 (Sat.) 23:59 (JST) Register Now
Eligibility Anyone can join (Online registration required)
Registration fee Free
Notes Participants are welcome to join on-site symposium. If the on-site registration exceeds the seating capacity, on-site registration will be closed. After closing, participants can attend the event by online only.


9:30 Venue Opening
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks
[ President ] Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi
10:10-10:50 Keynote Speech 1
Prof. Nicola Christie
10:50-11:30 Keynote Speech 2
Ms. Claudia Adriazola-Steil
11:30-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-13:10 Introduction
[ Chairperson ] Prof. Akihiro Nakamura
13:10-15:00 Panel Discussion
[ Coordinator ] Prof. Hideki Nakamura
[ Panelists ] Ms. Susanna Zammataro
[ Panelists ] Dr. Wouter Van den Berghe
[ Panelists ] Dr. Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh
[ Panelists ] Dr. Azusa Toriumi
15:00-15:20 Break
15:20-16:50 Workshop
[ Moderator ] Prof. Akinori Morimoto
[ Presenter ] Ms. Claudia Adriazola-Steil
[ Presenter ] Dr. Michael Anyala
[ Presenter ]  Mr. Yasuhiro Suhara
16:50-17:00 Summary of the 50th Anniversary
[ Chairperson ] Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura
17:00-17:10 Closing Remarks
[ Executive Director ] Mr. Nobuyuki Kawai
17:10 Venue Closing


Keynote Speech

Nicola Christie

Nicola Christie

Professor, Transport Safety at the Centre for Transport Studies, University College London

Nicola Christie is a behavioural scientist with a background in psychology researching transport safety and injury prevention through a public health lens. Her research encompasses the aetiology, epidemiology and impacts of unintentional injury and implications for policy and practice. Her research has also focused on the relationship between area-based deprivation and road casualties, occupational road safety especially associated with working in the gig economy (for example, people delivering food on motorised two wheelers) and research using computer vision to understand near miss data for cyclists. Recently she has developed an interest in how safety impacts sustainable and healthy mobility. Experienced in using exploratory, ethnographic techniques to understand complex social phenomena and human factors associated with the causes and consequences of injury and mixed methods approaches to evaluation including natural experiments, quasi-experimental and qualitative designs. Her work experience includes 16 years at Transport Research Laboratory, 10 years at Surrey University and time as a senior consultant at MVA (now Systra). Nicola is currently Director of Engagement for the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering and has a strong involvement in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda. She has previously held other key roles including Director of the Centre of Transport Studies (first female), Director of Research (first female), Director of the first pan UCL Transport Institute (first female). She leads postgraduate teaching modules on Transport and Health and Transport and Behaviour Change. She is currently President of the London Road Safety Council (first female), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation, an IATSS Overseas Fellow, a member of the Department for Transports College of Experts and a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety.

Claudia Adriazola-Steil

Claudia Adriazola-Steil

Deputy Director, Global Urban Mobility Director
Global Health & Road Safety Program, World Resources Institute

Claudia has more than 20 years of experience in the Transport sector. She leads research, policy and project implementation in sustainable mobility including walking, cycling, mass transportation, freight, electric vehicles and urban design. Within these areas of work, she focuses on improving quality of life by improving road safety, air quality, climate change, and equity. Claudia has served in the Steering Committee in charge of organizing the Third Global Ministerial Meeting in Road Safety in Sweden 2020 and is part of the current Steering Committee in charge of organizing the Fourth Global Ministerial Meeting in Road Safety in Morocco 2025. Claudia has been recognized as a Remarkable Women in Transport 2019 by GIZ. She has been honored by Brazilian Government with the Maua Merit Medal. Claudia is a lawyer, trained in Germany in Transport Management. In 2008 graduated with an Executive Master of Public Administration and a Master of Arts in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Public Administration at Syracuse University, New York, in the United States. In 2022 Claudia completed an Executive Master’s in Behavioral Change at Harvard University.

Panel Discussion

【Theme】International Perspective on Traffic Safety Culture

Hideki Nakamura

Hideki Nakamura


Member of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Professor
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University

Dr. Nakamura specializes in traffic engineering, highway engineering, and transportation planning. He is engaged in research and practical implementation across a wide range of fields, including road and highway planning and design methodology, traffic safety policy for roads, and transportation management. Dr. Nakamura is a Steering Committee member and a vice-chair of Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS). He also serves as Chairperson of the Japan Society of Traffic Engineers (JSTE), and is an Advisor to the Roundabout Promotion Council. Furthermore, he has served on committees for government organizations, including the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) and the National Police Agency, as well as for numerous road authorities and expressway companies.

Susanna Zammataro

Susanna Zammataro


Chief Executive, International Road Federation (IRF)

Susanna is the Chief Executive of the International Road Federation (IRF) in Geneva, Switzerland, a global organisation with the mission to promote the development of road networks that enable access to and a sustainable mobility for all ( A well-recognised expert with 18 years of experience in the transport sector, Susanna is an untiring advocate for road safety. She has served as Chairperson of the “Safer Roads and Mobility” Pillar of the UN Road Safety Collaboration Group (UNRSC) and lends her supports to a number of other initiatives supporting the road safety agenda.Building capacity at all levels and facilitating multi-stakeholders’ partnerships are central in her work and that of IRF. Susanna is involved in Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) federating 57 leading transport stakeholders. She currently serves as a Steering Committee Member and has co-led the WG road safety and the WG data sharing. Susanna is part of the International Coordinating Council of the US Transportation Research Board (TRB).

Wouter Van den Berghe

Wouter Van den Berghe


Direcotor, Tilkon Research & Consulting

Wouter Van den Berghe has two Master’s degrees in Engineering from Ghent University (1982, 1984) and a PhD in Transport Policy from University College London (2022). He has 40 years of professional experience in working with policymakers, private companies, non-profit organisations and universities. Wouter has an in-depth understanding of road safety, education and policy issues both at national and European level. He is considered as a world expert in the field of road safety performance indicators. Wouter has produced over hundred publications (including a range of books and reports in several languages) and has given numerous presentations all over the world. Wouter Van den Berghe was the Research Director of Vias institute (Brussels) between 2014 and 2022, where he focused on developing international partnerships, participating in international organisations (FERSI, UNSRC, HUMANIST, …) and managing international projects. He is now an independent researcher and consultant, mainly involved in international road safety projects. Recent projects and initiatives led by Wouter Van den Berghe include ESRA, ERSO, Baseline, Trendline, and Westbelt. He is also involved in road safety projects in Africa and Asia. He participated in the international IATSS project on Traffic Safety Culture and received in 2023 the IATSS award for the Best Paper in IATSS Research.

Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh

Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh


Associate Professor, Civil Engineering/Transportation, Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, USA

Dr. Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh’s research and teaching interests include traffic operations, transportation system sustainability, and public health. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. With 34 years of experience in transportation systems operations and planning, Dr. Abu-Lebdeh has held academic appointments at Michigan State University, the University of Kentucky, and the American University of Sharjah. His industry experience includes work with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Dr. Abu-Lebdeh’s current research focuses on integrating public health considerations into the development of transportation facilities and systems.

Azusa Toriumi

Azusa Toriumi


Research associate, Department of Human and Social Systems of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo

Azusa Toriumi (formerly Goto) has been a research associate in the Department of Human and Social Systems of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo since 2019. She received her Ph. D in engineering while working as an assistant professor in the Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Nagoya University. She had worked at the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM) under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (NILIM) (2017~2019). She specializes in traffic engineering. She serves as a co-chair of Special Interest Group C2 “Urban Transport Operations” in the World Conference on Transport Research Society, a member of the Highway Capacity and Quality Service Group in Japan Society of Traffic Engineers, etc. She has been engaged in projects on international comparison of traffic safety by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) since 2016. In these projects, she conducted field observations and interviews in several countries, such as Qatar, the United Aram Emirates, and the Philippines, and led the international collaborative survey (Country Fact Survey) on the facts related to legislation, enforcement, and education for traffic safety.


【Theme】Connecting, Collecting and Communicating for a Safer Society

Akinori Morimoto

Akinori Morimoto


Member of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Professor
City and Transportation Planning at Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Waseda University

Akinori Morimoto is a professor in city and transportation planning at department of civil and environment engineering at Waseda University since 2014. After graduating from graduate school of Waseda University in 1989, he worked as a research associate for Waseda and Utsunomiya University, as a visiting scholar for MIT and most recently as an associate professor and professor at Utsunomiya University until 2014. He is the former President of the City Planning Institute of Japan and currently serves as managing director in The Japan Research Center for Transport Policy. His academic field is related to the strategies to integrate the land use and transportation toward the sustainable city. He has supervised many projects in national and local government in Japan, and has been invited as a keynote speaker at several international conferences. Recent publications include "City and Transportation Planning; An Integrated Approach" published by Routledge in 2021.

Michael Anyala

Michael Anyala


Senior Transport Specialist (Road Asset Management)
Asian Development Bank

Dr. Michael Anyala serves as the Senior Transport Specialist (Road Asset Management) within the Emerging Areas Team at the Transport Sector Office of the Asian Development Bank’s Sectors Group. With a wealth of international experience in the transport sector, he collaborates with development organizations, government entities, private sector firms, and research institutions. His work at the ADB encompasses a range of focus areas, including offering policy guidance, incubating new investment opportunities, and enhancing project preparation and implementation. His efforts are particularly concentrated on advancing transport’s emerging areas, such as decarbonization of transport, improving road safety, enabling climate resilience of transport systems, and strengthening infrastructure asset management. Dr. Anyala earned his Ph.D. and Master of Science degrees in Road Management from the University of Birmingham, UK.

Yasuhiro Suhara

Yasuhiro Suhara


Director, Team 1, Transportation Group, Infrastructure Management Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Yasuhiro SUHARA received his master’s degree from Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo. After joining JICA, he mainly engaged in project management related to infrastructure (urban development, transportation) projects. Currently, he manages the road sector projects in JICA including road traffic safety. He try to explore the collaboration with the private company who engage the traffic safety activity in developing country for sustainable traffic safety activities in developing countries.


Tokyo Convention Hall

TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN 5F, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8340, Japan

By train

How to reach the Tokyo Convention Hall

  • 5 min. walk from JR Tokyo Station
  • 2 min. walk from Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line Ginza Ichome Station
  • Directly connected to Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Kyobashi Station
  • 6 min. walk from JR Yurakucho Station
  • 2 min. walk from Toei Subway Asakusa Line Takaracho Station

Personal Information Protection Rules

● Definition of personal information
The term "personal information" means information that can identify a specific individual, including but not limited to his or her name, address, telephone number and email address, which has been furnished to IATSS via this website.

● Restrictions on the use of personal information
Personal information furnished to IATSS will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was collected.
IATSS will not use this information for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was obtained, and will not furnish it to anyone outside IATSS except for cases provided by the Personal Information Protection Regulations.

● Management of personal information
Personal information sent to IATSS will be strictly managed by the website administrator, and appropriate measures have been taken to prevent any leakage, misappropriation or alteration thereof.

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● Contact
For inquiries regarding personal information, or requests for disclosure or correction of personal information, please contact at the address below.
International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences
YANMAR TOKYO 6F, 2-1-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0028, JAPAN
TEL: 03-3273-7884


Registration Period: Until 2024.11.30 (Sat.) 23:59 (JST)

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